I am a “Daddy’s girl,” from tagging along with him everywhere he went when I was a little squirt – to him being my hero as a grown up. He has always been my sister’s and my biggest cheerleader. He raised Julie and I to be strong, independent (I know … translates “stubborn”) women. I can remember him telling me as I was growing up to “never let anyone tell me I couldn’t do something because I was a girl,” and that I “could do anything I wanted to if I put my mind to it.” I can’t begin to tell you how many times in life I have needed to remember what he taught me.
Our society is so messed up when it comes to how we as women are supposed to view ourselves and behave. There are those who tell us we aren’t pretty enough, or thin enough. We aren’t smart enough if we aren’t busting the corporate ceiling wide open. If we are stay at home moms, we are wasting our time on meaningless nonsense. Even as a teacher, I have heard often the phrase “those that can’t – teach.”
I was very shy and introverted growing up. I was teased for being a snob when really I was just too shy to speak. I was bullied on the school bus because I was to scared to stand up for myself. I always struggled with thinking I wasn’t “enough” .. pretty enough, smart enough, talented enough, just not good enough. Have you ever felt like that dear friend?
Well HOGWASH! Excuse my Southern English, but that is just a lie from the pits of hell! My littlest grand daughter, Norah, has started going around telling us that she is a “princess.” Yes, she is a “girly girl” in that she loves to have her hair fixed and is picky about what she wears. She loves “liptick,” and is often found sneaking into her mom’s or my makeup. But she is one tough little cookie! She is 2 years old and she is fierce! She never stops. She is determined, and she isn’t shy about telling you what she wants. And … she is a Princess!
A princess is a daughter of the king. My heavenly father is the King of Kings, and I am a Princess! With Him I am strong, fierce, capable, smart, pretty, LOVED … I am ENOUGH. He made me just the way He wanted me to be, and He did the same for you. Yes, with Him you are beautiful, strong, talented, loved beyond belief. You are ENOUGH! You are a Princess!