Sometimes I walk in my house and I get so frustrated. We have lived in our home for over 20 years and well … stuff just seems to always be falling apart. I have been wanting new flooring for several years, but something always seems to happen to take priority over replacing the flooring. There always seems to be piles of junk to go through and clean out. Now my dishwasher has died and I do not like having to wash dishes by hand. Who the heck has time for that? OK … yes, I am complaining and I know I shouldn’t, but there just never seems to be enough time for all the “house stuff.”

I need to let go of the frustration, though. I have more important “things” to focus on. Actually not really “things” at all … but “people.” My house isn’t just a place filled with fancy things. My house is OUR HOME … filled with love, laughter, joy, peace and security. Yes, our boys are both grown and have “flown the coop.” It is still HOME though. It is where we all gather on holidays to celebrate together. It is where we gather to watch football, baseball and even soccer. It is where the grand girls come to play and get spoiled. It is where Tom and I leave a legacy for our family.

What kind of legacy are you leaving? I don’t know about you, but I want to leave a legacy of love for my family. I want them to know without a shadow of a doubt that they can walk in our front door and know unconditional love. I want our home to be a safe harbor where they can leave the worries of the world on the front steps and rest while they are sheltered inside. I want them to go to the pantry and find that I still think of them and have their favorite treats stashed for them when they come by. I want them to know that they are more valuable than any “thing” in the house, and that if they spill or break something Mom (or Nana) won’t have a fit. I want them to feel free to laugh and play and create and make memories that will last a lifetime.

So … yes,  the carpet will get replaced. The dishwasher will be replaced. All the piles of junk will get tossed. But, I am not going to let it stress me out! I have more important things to do right now … We are making memories and leaving a legacy of love for our kids and grandkids!

Categories: Legacy