August is a crazy month for me! It is Back to School time. It is my birthday (today). It is the month our Jonathan went to be with the Lord. It is the month my Momma went to be with the Lord, too. So, yes, it is a very emotional and reflective month. I find myself “in my own head” often with memories, both precious and painful throughout the whole month. Sometimes I would like to just skip the month of August all together.
This year I have found myself trying to just focus on the things that I am grateful for, and WOW there are so many blessings and treasures that I am so very grateful for today. Here are just a few:
My relationship with my Heavenly Father!!!!! He has carried me and loved me so well for all 57 years of my life. I haven’t always liked or agreed with the roads He has carried me down, but HE has always carried me and loved me dearly.
My family – my husband, Tom, who has been my everything for almost 37 years. My boys, Greg, Jonathan, and David who I love and am so very proud to be called their Mom. My two daughters-in-love, Vanessa and Anne “Zi,” who I love like my own and am grateful for the way they love my boys. And for my two precious, spunky pieces of my heart grand-daughters, Gigi and Norah.
For God’s protection (and healing) of Vanessa and Norah and the journey they have walked this year after a horrific auto accident.
My job … my students who drive me nuts sometimes, but often teach me more than I ever teach them.
My friends – old and new … who live life with me in such a very real and authentic way.
I could go on and on. Blessings so outweigh the ugliness in life. I am grateful today!
As Tom and I were drinking our coffee this morning and I was perusing Facebook, I came upon a new song by Steve Perry (formerly of Journey – one of my all time favorite rock bands!) called “No Erasin’.” As it often does, music struck my emotions. I often think about the “what ifs” in life and wonder what life would have been like if I hadn’t had to walk some of the hard roads along my journey. More often that not, I find myself thinking – as much as I wouldn’t want to repeat many of them – I am grateful for the “Journey.” I am grateful for the lessons I have learned! I am grateful for the woman I have become. I am grateful for the relationship Tom and I enjoy today. I am grateful for the young men my boys have become! And oh my word how I love those little girls we have been blessed to call our Grands!” Any other roads traveled, I might not have had the blessings I have today.
Steve Perry certainly didn’t write his song about my life, but I am thinking – “No Erasin'” the mistakes, the pain, the struggles … they, along with all the joys have made me who I am today. And for that I am GRATEFUL!
Romans 8:28 “For all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”