My best friend just become a grandmother for the first time. I have tried to explain to her just how this little baby boy is going to rock her world, but there is really no way to describe it, you just have to experience it to understand.

Being a mother has always been the most rewarding part of my life. Raising my boys has brought me the most joy and I treasure everything about being their mom. I was not at all prepared for what would happen to me when I became a grandmother. I knew it would be exciting and I would love the babies with all my heart.

Flashback almost seven years now to the day our precious Giovanna was born. The overwhelming love for her just exploded in my heart, and continues to grow each and every day. Seeing my baby (her daddy) holding her with love and amazement in his eyes … well, there are no words to describe that! I just stood in awe with tears pouring down my face. I still get choked up watching him with his girls.

A little over 4 years later, we were blessed with granddaughter number 2, Norah. I was given the privilege of actually being in the room when she was born. That was by far one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced! One might think that there was no room in my heart to love another, but oh my goodness … she, too, has stolen my heart! I can honestly say that the love I have for these two little girls is just as strong and deep as the love I have for my boys.

The time I get to spend with my grand girls is precious! I give no apologies for spoiling them. That is part of the grandparent job description and I take it very seriously. Hearing them say “I love you Nana” can pretty much cure anything that ails me. Their giggles are music to my heart. Their hugs and kisses have the power to make my heart feel like it is about to explode. Suffice it to say … being a Nana is my best job yet!!

Oh, my dear friend, Rita … just hang on and enjoy the ride!!! Little Elijah is going to rock your world! And he is one pretty lucky little guy to have such a wonderful Mimi!!! Welcome to the world little Elijah Douglas Rogers!

Categories: Family